Jamaica Collections & Recovery Services Ltd.

Place A Claim

Make an online claim

Place your Claim

Jamaica Collection & Recovery Services is dedicated to a fast, secure and efficient method of placing your delinquent accounts for collections. Please fill out the form below as completely as possible. If a required field does not apply to your account you can put “NA” in the field and continue.
Please TAB between fields.

Do Not communicate with the debtor unless you coordinate it with the collector or supervisor handling the account.

Important: Once a file is placed for collection the back-up documentation should be mailed or faxed to our office; we do not need originals.

Please use the form provided to place a claim

Place a debt claim has never been more convenient.

We take the hassle out of starting the collection process just complete the attached form and one of our debt collection agents will get in touch and start you on the road to recovering lost income.